泰宗攜手奈捷生技進軍 NGS 實驗室建置 搶攻高階檢測商機泰宗 (4169) 與奈捷生技攜手進軍NGS實驗室市場,雙方合作將滿足現有未滿足的需求,協助醫院建置LTDS實驗室並獲取NGS相關檢測項目認證,開創精準醫療的新商業模式。透過奈捷旗下的iNA次世代定序精準醫療解決方案 (INVISION) 及泰宗在國內接近100%的醫院通路覆蓋率,雙方將推廣並導入全台逾480家醫院,協助建置完整的NGS精準醫療檢測系統。奈捷的iNA癌症基因DimerOff試劑和嵌入式精準醫療解決方案技術含量高,產品在市場上具有競爭優勢。許多醫院已擁有Illumina的NGS定序設備,只需新增或升級自動化NGS樣本前處理、自動化建庫等流程方案及iNA Reporter生物資訊報告系統,即可顯著降低整體NGS檢測成本並提升流程品質。多家醫院已在建置中,預計第3季可望展現初步效益。這次合作標誌著在為醫療機構和患者帶來先進、可負擔且高效的NGS檢測方面邁出了重要一步。泰宗攜手奈捷 共同建置醫院內一站式NGS實驗室Tcmbio Pharma partners with INVISION to address unmet needs by assisting hospitals in setting up LTDS laboratories and obtaining NGS test certifications. This collaboration aims to establish a new business model in precision medicine.Leveraging the iNA NGS Precision Medicine Solution and Tcmbio's near-complete coverage of hospitals in Taiwan, the partnership will promote and implement comprehensive NGS precision medical testing systems in over 480 hospitals nationwide.Information on: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5612/8066362
The Utrecht Region proudly welcomes Instant NanoBiosensors B.V. to its vibrant landscape of innovation. This heralds a significant milestone for the region, as it embraces an innovative diagnostic technology company poised to transform the landscape of Alzheimer's disease and related #neurodegenerative conditions diagnostics.https://doingbusiness.utrechtregion.com/nieuws/instant-nanobiosensors-b-v-revolutionizes-alzheimers-diagnosis/
It is a great honor for us to be reported by California Life Sciences (CLS) Bulletin MedTech Spotlight as one of 13 companies including Abbot, Johnson & Johnson and so on. This special edition explores medtech innovation, achievement and business operations. Our latest article is named as "How Instant NanoBiosensors Hopes Their Technology Will Lead to Early Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases.” This will also help you understand how the integration of nanotechnology into biosensors could benefit the world by moving bioanalysis from laboratory to analysis point of use.Read the full article: https://www.califesciences.org/cls-bulletin-medtech-spotlight/?utm_campaign=CLS%20Bulletin&utm_content=200734068&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&hss_channel=lcp-100195
Many thanks to EETimes Asia for the invitation. The article was released today with the title “A new method to advance in the early detection of Alzheimer's disease". In this article, Tony Chung, CEO of Instant NanoBiosenosors, presented how INB’s technology can light up the hope for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease in a promising way.Read the full article: https://www.eetasia.com/a-new-method-to-advance-the-early-detection-of-alzheimers-disease/
INB will be holding a webinar with our Japanese distributor BM Equipment Co., Ltd to talk about epitope binning with FOPPR™. Join us!Epitope binning immunoassays using Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance (FOPPR™) technology could be deployed in the development of new potential drug candidates. Furthermore, it could accommodate up to four mAbs in one experiment run, enabling this characterization process to be more time- and material-efficient for scientists.This webinar will discusses how FOPPR™ is used to characterize closely related “bins” of mAbs targeting the same epitope of the target protein and how the selection process is used to develop assays. We also are pleased to take AnTaimmuBioMed as a real-world example to share how they use FOPPR™ to develop COVID-19 related therapeutic antibodies and diagnostic tools.Speakers:Tony Chung (CEO @Instant NanoBiosensors)Aileen Sun (Technical Application Scientist @Instant NanoBiosensors)Topic: Epitope Binning: A Critical Step in Antibody DevelopmentDate: 16th Feb. 2022Time: 10:00am JST (GMT+09)Contact mail: hama@bmbio.co.jp, bd@instantnano.comRegister: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9wVT3TkUSIC9wjuEeeJH7Q